Flight Details for DAL5691

Flight Info:
Flight Number:DAL5691
From:Seattle Tacoma International Airport (KSEA)
Sched. Deptime: 01:55
To:Spokane International Airport (KGEG)
Sched. Arrtime: 03:00
Time Remaining:0:00
Total Distance:194.018 NM
Distance Remaining:0 NM
Planned Altitude:32000 ft
Altitude:2364 ft
Ground Speed:0 kts
Heading: 300
Last Update:2020-08-08 07:16:02
Planned Route:Use Pilot Briefing For Routing InformationActual Route:ZADON ZELAK ZIRAN ZOOMR ZOOMR1

Pilot Info:
Pilot ID:DIS147
Pilot:Scott L
Rank:ATP Commander
Location:United States  United States
Total Flight Time:2085.52
Total Flights:386
Aicraft Info:
Aircraft:Boeing 777-200LR
Pax Capacity:314
Range:10030 nm
Total Hours:855.36
Total Flights:109

Pilot`s Recent PIREPs

Flight Departure Arrival Aircraft Registration Flighttime Landingrate
DAL5691 KSEA KGEG B777-200 G-DLB38 00.49 -134
DAL848 KPDX KSEA B777-200 G-DLB38 00.39 -74
AFR9231 CYVR KSLC B777-200 G-DLB38 01.43 -215
DIS567 KSFO CYVR B777-200 G-DLB38 01.56 -301
DIS2577 KLAX KSFO B777-200 G-DLB38 00.59 -140

Aircraft`s Recent PIREPs

Flight Departure Arrival PilotID Pilot Flighttime Landingrate
DAL5691 KSEA KGEG DIS147 Scott L 00.49 -134
DAL848 KPDX KSEA DIS147 Scott L 00.39 -74
AFR9231 CYVR KSLC DIS147 Scott L 01.43 -215
DIS567 KSFO CYVR DIS147 Scott L 01.56 -301
DIS2577 KLAX KSFO DIS147 Scott L 00.59 -140


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