Flight Details for DTO5371

Flight Info:
Flight Number:DTO5371
Aircraft:BOEING 737-8
From:Abraham Lincoln Capital Airport (KSPI)
Sched. Deptime:12:30
To:Trenton Mercer Airport (KTTN)
Sched. Arrtime:14:45
Time Remaining:0:00
Total Distance:776 NM
Distance Remaining:0 NM
Planned Altitude:38000 ft
Altitude:219 ft
Ground Speed:0 kts
Heading: 25
Last Update:2020-03-16 22:19:00
Planned Route:Actual Route:SPI J80 VHP J110 AIR JST BUNTS2

Pilot Info:
Pilot ID:DIS37
Pilot:Jeremy R
Rank:Air Marshall
Location:United States  United States
Total Flight Time:869.56
Total Flights:286
Aicraft Info:
Aircraft:Boeing 737-800
Pax Capacity:189
Total Hours:163.41000000000005
Total Flights:71

Pilot`s Recent PIREPs

Flight Departure Arrival Aircraft Registration Flighttime Landingrate
DCO918 KORD KPIT B737-800 G-DLB8 1.10 0
DTO5371 KSPI KTTN BOEING 737-8 G-DLB155 01.36 -714
PVA2360 KDFW KSAN B737-200 G-DLB10 00.00 0
DTO5371 KMPV KSPI BOEING 737-8 G-DLB155 03.02 -499
DTO5371 KIND KMPV B767-300 G-DLB44 02.00 -398

Aircraft`s Recent PIREPs

Flight Departure Arrival PilotID Pilot Flighttime Landingrate
SCC890 KEWR KIAD DIS343 Max L 01.04 -215
DIS2002 KMCO PADQ DIS191 Jonathan D 08.18.10 65.36
DIS1656 KMCO KJFK DIS191 Jonathan D 02.05.36 -53.83
DTO771161 KLAS KSAN DIS116 Jim S 00.45 -96
DTO771161 KCOS KPHX DIS116 Jim S 01.20 -88


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