Disney Air POH | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
posted on 09.02.2017 - viewed 4317 times | Liked 1182 times | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Pilot Operating Handbook Version 2.65
Published: September 21, 2017 Last Updated: July 14, 2018
POH Contents
Table of Contents 1.0 Flying at Disney Air 1.1 The Disney Air Mission Statement 1.2 Becoming a Pilot for Disney Air 1.2.1 Disney Air SkyTeam Partner Airlines 1.2.2 Disney Air Hubs 1.3 Account Activity Policy 1.4 Leave of Absence 1.5 Airline Ranking System and Pay Rates 1.6 Prior Virtual Airline Experience 1.7 Contact Information 1.8 Disney Air Staff 1.8.1 Disney Air Staff Compensation 2.0 Airline Information and Standard Operation Procedures 2.1 Maintaining Currency 2.2 Online Flight Requirements 2.2.1 Call Sign Requirements for Online Flights 2.3 Disney Air Operations (DAO Tracking System 2.4 PIREP Requirements 2.4.1 Optional Boosters Available for Purchase at the Disney Store 2.5 Manual PIREPS 2.5.1 Simulation Speeds 2.6 Flight Bookings 3.0 Awards and Recognition 3.1 Tours 4.0 Liveries 5.0 Premium Miles and the Disney Store
6.0 Conclusion
1.0 Flying at Disney Air IVAO Code: DIS Date of Incorporation: February 8, 2017 1.1 The Disney Air Mission Statement Welcome to Disney Air, the Happiest Skies on Earth! Our commitment to professionalism, the highest quality of service and satisfaction is unrivalled! Based in sunny Southern California, home of beautiful beaches, great culture, and of course, The Happiest Place On Earth! Whether you are a pilot in training, a veteran ATP captain, a flight sim enthusiast, or any combination, Disney Air strives to provide the most comprehensive and exciting experience to provide hours of a quality flight environment that will satisfy everyone! With tours, rewards, contests, and more, your career with Disney Air will be one of the most satisfying experiences available! We thank you for your interest in our airline and do hope to see you in the Happiest Skies On Earth! Welcome Aboard! 1.2 Becoming a Pilot for Disney Air At Disney Air, we welcome pilots of all experience levels and backgrounds. From the flight simulation novice to real world ATP Captains, an exciting opportunity awaits you here. When making the decision to fly for Disney air, the following should be taken into account:
1.2.1 Disney Air SkyTeam Partner Airlines
* = Coming Soon 1.2.2 Disney Air Hubs Disney air is headquartered at the Happiest Place on Earth, Disneyland in the Southern California community of Anaheim. As such, our main hub of our airline is Los Angeles International (KLAX). We also know that air travel is not limited by roads or waters, so we strive to have hubs that are convenient for all of our flight crews and will add more based on need and request.
1.3 Account Activity Policy If you don’t follow the rules set in the code of conduct, you run the risk of your pilot account being suspended or terminated. Hub manager(s) perform 2 roster clear outs per month. The first one will be at the start of the month and the other around the 15th. If you are inactive for more than 30 days, an email will be sent informing you your account has been marked as inactive. Once this email has been sent, your account with be referred to HR who may terminate your account at any time. This is not a reversible action and your data will be lost. Pilots who leave Disney on disciplinary grounds will have their account terminated. You will not be able to re‐apply and any attempts to do so will result in your application being rejected. Pilots who resign from the airline will have the opportunity to re‐apply with their previous hours added to their new account.
1.4 Leave of Absence
We all know that life takes twists and turns. If pilots feel they are unable to complete a flight within a 30 day period (after completion of the initial flight within the 14 day period after registration), pilots can send an email to their hub manager requesting a leave of absence up to 90 days, be sure to include your call-sign, length of absence, and anticipated date of return to the cockpit. Abuse of this privilege may result in denied requests and account suspension or termination.
Upon return from any leave of absence, you as the pilot will be required to submit a PIREP within 7 days. Any pilot who fails to file a PIREP within the allocated 7 days will have their pilot account suspended. Extensions will not be granted beyond 180 days except on a case by case evaluation. If a pilot on a Leave of Absence submits a PIREP during this period, they will be considered to have return from their Leave of Absence and their status will be placed back to active.
1.5 Airline Ranking System and Pay Rates
Pilots are ranked based on the amount of hours they have flown for the airline.
Ranks and pay scales are as follows.
1.6 Prior Virtual Airline Experience
Disney Air understands that you may have prior achievements at other virtual airlines. We all know that no one likes to start over at each new company. When you complete your application with Disney Air, make sure to complete the Transfer Hours and Link to Transfer Hours fields. Previous hours that cannot be verified will not be credited.
1.7 Contact Information
It is important that we are able to contact you should any problems or difficulties arise. Therefore, we ask that you submit a valid, working and regularly checked email address to use on your application when applying to become a pilot. If you create a new email address after becoming a pilot with us then we kindly ask that you update your information which can be done in your pilot profile at the Disney Air Main Site.
It is also important that you can contact the staff members should you need to ask questions, generally struggling with the site and/or its features or are unsure about something. A fillable contact form is available in the main navigation of the Disney Air website.
1.8 Disney Air Staff
Like any other airline, Disney Air needs staff to maintain smooth and efficient operations. Our staff members are the very best in the industry and provide the highest level of customer service and are committed to maintain the highest level of excellence for Disney Air. Pilots who wish to inquire about a position at Disney Air should inquire with Human Resources for a list of current openings. In order to quality for an open Disney Air staff position, the pilot must be in good standing with flight requirements and an active member for (1) month. No consideration will be given to applicants that do not meet these qualifications.
1.8.1 Disney Air Staff Compensation
Disney Air truly appreciates the help that comes from maintaining a great team! As such, pilots who apply and are hired to Disney Air positions will be compensated in premium miles at the following rates:
2.0 Airline Information and Standard Operation Procedures 2.1 Maintaining Currency A minimum of one flight must be submitted every 30 days. Pilots mayapply for a Leave of Absence in an attempt to prevent being removed from the roster for inactivity. Each member must maintain a valid email address as outlined in section 1. 7.
2.2 Online Flight Requirements
Disney Air encourages its pilot to fly online using a live ATC service such as VATSIM or PilotEdge. While this is not a requirement of Disney Air, it is strongly encouraged as it adds an element of realism not available to pilots flying offline. Additionally, it is one of the best methods for expanding our pilot base and growing our airline. When flying online, please be sure to follow these guidelines:
2.2.1 Callsign Requirements for Online Flights Whenever a pilot is flying for Disney Air and recording the flight via the Disney Air ACARS program, using an online ATC service (IVAO, PilotEdge*, VATSIM, or others) it is required that regardless of the flight booked and being flown, when the pilot’s flight plan is filed in the online ATC system, your call sign must begin with DIS and then the flight number. Ex: Korean Air Flight 5111 would be listed in your flight plan as DIS5111. If you have any questions regarding this policy, please contact your hub manager or human resources. In the event of a group flight where routes are being shared, the pilot will use their pilot id as their call sign. Ex. DIS1042. * Flights on the PilotEdge network are exempt from this policy.
2.3 Disney Air Operations (DAO) Tracking System
To accurately and automatically complete and file PIREPs, Disney Air has partnered with FSProducts to utilize a custom ACARS system for online PIREP submission. DAO is available in the downloads section of the Disney Air website and is free of charge for all pilots. To connect DAO to your flight simulator there is an additional piece of software that must be utilized.
2.4 PIREP Requirements Disney Air holds its pilots to the same standards of excellence as any other airline. There are just a few requirements for your PIREP to be accepted.
The only exception for these requirements will be if it’s your first flight, in which case your PIREP is immune from being rejected. 2.4.1 Optional Boosters Available for Purchase at the Disney Store In the event that a pilot records a landing above -600 ft. /min through -899 ft. /min, the pilot has the option to use salary earnings to purchase a “fix-a-landing” voucher in the Disney Store. Using this voucher will restore the premium miles lost due to the hard landing.
In the event a pilot records a landing -900 ft./min or above, the pilot has the option to purchase a “fix-a-flight” at the Disney Store that will allow his or her PIREP to accepted and lost premium miles restored.
2.5 Manual PIREPS Manual PIREPs can be filed on the Disney Air website from the link within your profile page. Please explain the reason an automatic PIREP was unable to be filed when completing this form. All manual pireps that are submitted must be able to be verified by an online service such as VATSIM or Pilotedge. Manual PIREPS that are not able to be verified will be exempt from extras such as premium miles and are accepted at the discretion of the Hub Manager. Manual PIREPs can not be filed for use towards any competions or giveaways. 2.5.1 Simulation Speeds We all like to get to where we are going as fast as possible. To make this a more realistic experience, simulation rates above 1X will record the actual time flown, not the time prescribed in the flight plan. Additionally, the flight time starts when your aircraft begins taxiing to the runway for departure. 2.6 Flight Bookings Pilots are free to choose the legs they wish to fly. There is a wide variety of aircraft available and Disney Air would appreciate pilots using whatever aircraft is assigned to a specific route. However, substitutions can be made for ANY aircraft listed on the schedule.
3.0 Awards and Recognition Pilots can earn awards performing a variety of tasks while flying for Disney Air. Tours, contests, going above and beyond the call of duty, and hours are just a few of the things that will get a pilot a ribbon to pin on their flight jacket. Below is a list of the awards available as of the date of this Pilot Operating Handbook being printed. For a full list of awards, check out the following page. http://disneyair.net/index.php/fsp_awardstats 3.1 Flight Tours Disney Air has a wide variety of tours that will take you on a journey around the world to visit many Disney themed locations as well as sporting, racing, and historical event sites. 4.0 Liveries There are many different liveries for a variety of different aircraft for pilots to choose from. New ones are being added all of the time, and they are all Disney themed. We encourage pilots to download and use these liveries, they are provided free of charge for all Disney Air pilots and provide good exposure when screenshots are taken and shared with friends and other pilots. 5.0 Premium Miles and the Disney Store Pilots spend countless hours online and at the controls of their aircraft. Disney Air believes that those efforts should be rewarded. Pilots will earn rewards in two different methods. First is their pilot salary that shall be paid in full at the end of each flight. Pay scales are commensurate with your current rank and are paid by the hour or fraction thereof. In addition to regular salary, pilots also will earn premium miles for each mile flown, each minute behind the yoke, and other times such as: good landings of less than -250 ft./min, completing tours, participating in group flights, voting at various websites for rankings, and through the purchase of miles at the Disney Store using salary earnings. Recruitment Bonus: Any pilot who recruits/refers new pilots to Disney Air will receive a 2,000 mile premium bonus once that pilot has logged ten (10) flight hours with Disney Air.
6.0 Conclusion
We thank you for taking the time to read the Pilot Operating Handbook. We wish you a pleasant experience while flying with Disney Air and if you need any help, please do not hesitate to contact Human Resources or any member of our staff.
We'll See YOU in
The Happiest Skies on Earth! ![]() |
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